Recent Trends in Murfreesboro DUI Cases: Analysis and Insights

murfreesboro dui cases Image shows Person's hands shifting a car while also holding a green bottle.

As a leading legal firm in Murfreesboro, The Clarke Law Firm has been closely monitoring the trends in DUI cases within the region. Over recent years, there has been a noticeable shift in how these DUI cases are handled, both from a legal and social perspective. This blog post aims to delve into these trends, […]

What Is “Simple Possession”? (video)

Video of criminal defense attorney in Murfreesboro, David Clarke from the Clarke Law Firm, discussing simple possession charges in Tennessee Attorney Clarke is bald and wearing a white shirt wiht a red and blue striped tie. Behind him is a white wall and a portion of a green, blue and pink abstract painting.

Leading Murfreesboro criminal defense attorney David Clarke discusses what the term “Simple Possession” means according to Tennessee law. Clarke Law Firm has many years of experience defending their clients in Tennessee against drug charges and other offenses. Transcript: ” Simple possession is when someone is in possession of an illegal substance in a minor amount. […]

Are Drugs a Big Problem in Murfreesboro, TN?

drug problems in murfreesboro shows suspect in orange jumpsuit talking to their attorney.

Murfreesboro, a charming city in the heart of Tennessee, is not immune to the challenges facing many American cities, including the issue of drug-related crimes. As a seasoned criminal defense attorney based in Murfreesboro, David Clarke has witnessed first-hand the complexities and implications of drug charges in our community. The Current Drug Scenario in Murfreesboro […]

Should I Get a Defense Lawyer If I May Be a Suspect?

suspect with criminal defense lawyer. shows only hands of both. Suspect's hands are folded and lawyer has a folder with papers.

As a seasoned criminal defense attorney based in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, one of the most common and crucial questions I encounter is: “Should I get a defense lawyer if I think I may be a suspect?” My response is consistently a resounding “Yes,” and here’s why. Understanding Your Rights and Risks Firstly, it’s vital to understand […]

Is Stand Your Ground a Defense in Tennessee?

lawyer discussing the "stand your ground" with client. shows both individual's hands and upper body but no faces. Attorney is wearing a black suit and client is wearing a white shirt. There's also a gavel on the wooden table between them.

As a Murfreesboro criminal defense attorney, I’m frequently asked about the nuances of self-defense laws in Tennessee, particularly regarding the “Stand Your Ground” doctrine. In this article, I aim to clarify the legal standpoint of this doctrine in Tennessee and its implications for those facing criminal charges. Understanding “Stand Your Ground” in Tennessee The concept […]

What Happens If I Get A DUI While Visiting TN? (video)

Video of Murfreesboro, TN DUI defense attorney David Clarke from the Clarke Law Firm discussing what happens if you get a DUI charge while visiting Tennessee. Attorney Clarke is bald and wearing a white shirt wiht a red and blue striped tie. Behind him is a white wall and a portion of a green, blue and pink abstract painting.

Leading Murfreesboro criminal defense attorney David Clarke discusses Tennessee DUI laws and penalties for visitors. Clarke Law Firm has many years of experience defending their clients in Tennessee against DUI charges and other offenses. Transcript: ” Even though they’re from other states, Tennessee DUI laws are going to apply. They’re going to have to come […]

Tennessee DUI Statistics

tennessee dui statistics shows person driving while holding a green beer bottle.

Driving under the influence (DUI) is a severe offense in Tennessee, as it is across the United States. The consequences of drunk driving are not just limited to legal repercussions but often result in tragic accidents, life-changing injuries, and loss of life. As part of our efforts to raise awareness, the team at Clarke Law […]

Charged with a DUI With A Child in the Car?

A man driving with a liquor bottle. Shows their view from the windshield and all that they could hit to symbolize DUI charges in Tennessee.

Driving under the influence (DUI) is a serious offense in almost every jurisdiction, but the stakes and penalties become even more severe when there’s a child in the vehicle. In Tennessee, if you’re caught driving while intoxicated with a minor in the car, you could face enhanced penalties. Below, we’ll explore the potential consequences and […]

Is a DUI a Felony or Misdemeanor in Tennessee?

Police patrol checking driver's license of female driver with blond hair.

When it comes to driving under the influence (DUI) charges in Tennessee, one of the most common questions that arise is whether a DUI is classified as a felony or a misdemeanor. Understanding the distinction is crucial, as it can have a significant impact on the severity of the penalties you might face if convicted. […]