Four Ways You Could Face Charges For Prostitution

Women standing by car taking money from driver

Prostitution is the crime of exchanging sexual intercourse, sexual favors, or other sex acts for remuneration, usually in the form of money. While there’s a saying that prostitution is the “world’s oldest profession,” the truth of the matter is it’s against the law in Tennessee, and being involved in it could land you in serious […]

5 Tips for Bonnaroo Music & Arts Festival

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Every June, residents from surrounding states come to join in the festivities of the Bonnaroo music and arts festival. To help you stay safe and have a fun festival experience, we’ve come up with 5 general tips for Bonnaroo. TIP #1: STAY HYDRATED. Whether you are camping for the entire weekend or driving each day, […]

Swimming Safety

Image of Lifeguard at pool

With summer break approaching, it is time to start thinking about your next trip to the pool. Before you jump in, take a look at a few safety precautions for swimming this summer. NEVER SWIM ALONE. Whether or not you are an experienced swimmer, it’s never wise to swim alone. If a serious accident occurs, […]

How to Gather Evidence to Build Strong Case

Image of Evidence markers at crime scene

In order to be successful in proving negligence in a personal injury claim, a plaintiff needs to gather as much evidence as possible. The evidence needs to prove that the defendant owed some kind of duty to the plaintiff, that the duty was breached, that the breach resulted in injury, and that the injury occurred […]

4 Elements of A Personal Injury Claim

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The basis of any personal injury claim is proof of negligence, which is conduct that falls short of reasonable standards for protecting an individual from foreseeable risks of harm. Before you start negotiating your claim, it is critical to understand how to prove all the elements that prove negligence. Understanding and proving exactly how the […]

Types of Public Indecency Offenses

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You’ve probably heard reports of crimes known as “public indecency,” but what you may not know is that this is actually an umbrella term that encompasses several different acts involving either nudity or sexual activity. These actions are usually intended to shock, arouse, or offend others through exhibitionism or promotion of obscenity, and are not […]

Your Wrongful Death Claim Questions, Answered!

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If a loved one has recently passed away as a result of injuries or an accident that was no fault of their own, you may have the ability to pursue damages in the form of a wrongful death claim. In this blog, we’ll answer a few of the most common questions we receive about this […]

How to prepare for your first Court Appearance

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If you’ve never had to appear in court before, being forced to appear before a judge can be one of the most intimidating you’ve ever had to experience. Many people are extremely nervous in the days leading up to this initial appointment, and our clients often ask us if there’s anything they can do to […]

What Is “Implied Consent?”

When you are arrested and charged with driving under the influence, you are required to adhere to a blood alcohol content test by either blood, breath, or urine, depending on what’s available. Can you refuse this test? The answer is no—you are required by law to submit to this test or else you will face […]

How to fight false allegations of Domestic Violence

Domestic violence is a serious problem that deserves to be treated with the utmost caution and care, but there’s an ugly consequence of this kind of attention: false accusations. Because of the immense social stigma that domestic violence carries, those who are accused often face massive backlash from society and are often given little recourse […]