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How Long Does My DUI Conviction Stay on Record in TN


Driving under the influence, or DUI, is a serious charge in Tennessee because of the high level of danger the charge represents, both to the driver and every person, vehicle, and location in the path of that driver. You may wonder "How long my DUI conviction stays on my record in TN?"

Obviously the amount of damage and death associated with a DUI conviction will be life altering. It can also lead to a loss of driving privileges and financial hardship. Having the conviction on your driving record may also affect your future job applications, housing applications, bank loan applications, or insurance applications.

It Stays On Your Driving Record

Simply put, a DUI conviction in the state of Tennessee will stay on your driving record for the rest of your life.

Because of the high level of danger a DUI presents to the community, it’s not possible to attend a class and have your record cleared as you would a speeding ticket or running a red light. The only way to clear the charge from your record would be to get your case dismissed.

It’s important to note the DUI charge will remain if you get convicted of a lesser, separate charge than the DUI. For example, if you get arrested and charged with a DUI and reckless driving, but only get convicted for reckless driving, the DUI charge will still remain on your driving record. Repeat offenses for DUIs within a ten-year span will also lead to additional DUI charges appearing on your driving record, not to mention more severe penalties for the repeat offenses.

DUI Blood Alcohol Limit in Tennessee

The DUI blood alcohol limit, or BAL, in the state of Tennessee currently stands at .08 percent for adults over the age of 21. For younger people, the BAL drops to .02 percent.

A variety of factors come into play when measuring an individual’s BAL. While the .08 percent standard applies to all adults over 21, the person’s weight, gender, and the amount of time between the BAL test and consuming the drinks all play key factors in determining an individual’s BAL percentage.

For example, a 120-pound woman may have a different BAL compared to a 240-pound man. The number and type of drinks consumed also play a role in calculating the BAL; one shot of liquor equals one 12-ounce beer equals one 5-ounce glass of wine. So a person that does four shots in ten minutes will theoretically have a higher BAL reading than a person who had one beer in 30 minutes.

Potential Penalties

In addition to the DUI charge appearing on your driving record for the rest of your life, a DUI conviction in the state of Tennessee can include these penalties:

· Jail time between 48 hours and 12 months

· Loss of driver’s license for a minimum of one year

· Restitution for anyone injured while driving under the influence

· Over $5,000 in fines and legal fees

· Participation in a drug/alcohol counseling or treatment service

Need Help? Call Us Now

If you need legal help in dealing with a DUI charge, or if you need to consult an attorney about what to do next, don’t hesitate to contact the Clarke Law Firm today. Criminal defense attorney David L. Clarke has helped many individuals and will help you too.


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