How to avoid slip & fall accidents during the winter

A study conducted by the National Safety Council estimates that slip and fall accidents happen 25,000 times a day in the United Sates. According to data, 1 in 5 emergency room visits are due to a fall; while slips, trips, and falls make up 20% of all workers’ comp costs. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) says that these types of accidents are the second leading cause of occupational fatalities, just behind motor vehicle accidents.

During the winter-time, slips and falls become a major cause of injuries in homes and businesses. This is because the weather during this time of year increases the risk of slips and falls. Snow and icy conditions make sidewalks, parking lots, and work areas more slippery, creating dangerous safety hazards. Below, we give you some tips that can help keep you safe this winter.


As discussed above, these two areas become particularly dangerous in the winter. You should properly illuminate walking paths and other trouble spots like snowbanks and slippery curbs. You can achieve this with additional lighting, or by using red or orange caution tape to mark off potentially dangerous areas. You should also salt you walkways, but remember to remove re-melted snow and ice after applying the salt.


If you are a business owner, you should ask your employees to use one or two doors specifically for entering and exiting your building. This can make it easier to remove snow and control ice build-up. Regularly mop all entrances and exits so that water doesn’t accumulate and place wet floor signage to alert employees and customers.


The following tips can help you stay safe this winter:

  • Avoid Wearing High-Heels Outside
  • Take Short, Flat Steps When Walking on Snow
  • Clean Your Footwear After Entering a Building
  • Use Walkways That Have Been Salted or Shoveled

Do you have more questions about winter safety? Contact our Murfreesboro personal injury lawyer to learn how we can assist you today.