Saying “Sorry” after an accident can hurt your claim

Following an accident, any form of apology can be taken as an admission of fault by insurance adjusters investigating your claim. Although you might feel uncomfortable trying to avoid apologizing for an accident you were involved, doing so can have a significant impact on your claim for damages. This is why you should remember to never apologize after an accident. In this blog, we explain how your apology can wind up costing you a substantial amount of money.


Do not feel obligated to express your apologies to other drivers or witnesses, even if the accident was not their fault. While most of us have been conditioned to apologize for even the slightest of inconveniences, doing so after an accident can have grave consequences. Remember, some injuries aren’t immediately apparent or visible after an accident, so don’t hold yourself accountable for the unknown.

Insurance companies will latch onto your apology in order to leverage it against you. Simple statements like “sorry, I didn’t see you as I was pulling out,” or “sorry, I didn’t see the light had changed” can sometimes be enough to prove you were at fault for the accident, even if you were not. Insurance companies look out for their own interests, especially their bottom line.

If you are ever contacted by an insurance adjustor in regards to an accident, remember, you do not have to speak with them if you have legal representation who can do so on your behalf. However, should you choose to speak with them, try to avoid being lured into making an apology or any statements that can potentially be used against you.

Do you have more questions or concerns about what to do after an accident? Contact our Murfreesboro car accident attorney to learn how we can help you today.