What’s The Penalty For A Drug Crime? (Video)

Video of Murfreesboro, TN criminal defense attorney David Clarke from the Clarke Law Firm discussing penalties for drug crimes. Attorney Clarke is bald and wearing a white shirt wiht a red and blue striped tie. Behind him is a white wall and a portion of a green, blue and pink abstract painting.

Leading Murfreesboro criminal defense attorney David Clarke discusses Tennessee Drug Laws. Clarke Law Firm has many years of experience defending their clients in Tennessee against drug charges and other offenses. Transcript: Common ones are cocaine or methamphetamine, any kind of illicit drugs. Those kinds of charges are more serious than a simple possession marijuana. They’re […]

Possible Defenses against Drug Possession

Photo Of A Caucasian Woman, Handcuffed To Her Wrists For Being in possession of drugs

Even outside the state of Tennessee, law enforcement tends to take a zero-tolerance policy regarding drug possession charges. But while the notion of facing a drug possession charge can seem overwhelming and hopeless, solid legal defenses against drug possession charges do exist. It should be stressed that anyone facing drug possession charges has the right […]