Should I Take a Breathalyzer

Video opening image of the Clarke Law Firm Logo (Large red "C" in the center of a circle with "Clarke Law Firm" in black below). Then Murfreesboro, TN defense attorney David Clarke from the Clarke Law Firm discussing the DUI FAQ "Shoudl I Take A Breathalyzer". Attorney Clarke is bald and wearing a white shirt wiht a red and blue striped tie. Behind him is a white wall and a portion of a green, blue and pink abstract painting.

Leading Murfreesboro criminal defense attorney, David Clarke answers a common question about breathalyzers in a DUI stop. DUI (Driving Under the Influence) is a common traffic stop in Tennessee. If you have been stopped, it may be because the officer suspects you have been driving impaired because of drinking alcohol. A breathalyzer is a tool […]