Have you heard about taking a DUI Class in Tennessee? In addition to the fines and penalties that result from being convicted of driving under the influence (DUI) in the state of Tennessee, state law also requires the person to attend a class to review why DUI is dangerous, and how to address any substance abuse issues that caused you to drive while using alcohol or drugs irresponsibly.

Similar to the classes offered for persons who have committed other traffic offenses such as speeding or running a red light, the DUI course offers education and resources for those participating in the program. Topics can include the effect of alcohol and drugs on a person's ability to drive, ways to get home safely instead of driving impaired, and Tennessee laws and penalties for this crime.
A DUI course must be approved by the Tennessee Department of Mental Health & Substance Abuse Services. It also must be a minimum of 12 hours and include the early intervention program called the Prime for Life Program.
Tennessee's DUI Class
The DUI Class program operates by providing a variety of services to those required to participate, including:
Screening for controlled substances
Assessing the individual participants for substance use
Offering educational resources to everyone participating in the program.
In particular, it includes an early intervention program called The Prime for Life. Prevention Research Institute, the company that developed this program, describes is as: "Prime For Life® provides a judgment-free way of understanding how alcohol and drug-related problems develop, what we can do to prevent them, and why sometimes we need help." The goal for the state of Tennessee is that taking the course will prevent a repeat of this violation.
While the class was designed for Tennessee drivers, it’s possible for out of state drivers who violated Tennessee law be required to take the class as a requirement of their conviction for DUI. Conversely, if you are a Tennessee resident who received a DUI out of the state and are required to take a DUI class, you may be able to use the Tennessee DUI class program. Check with that state to see if a Tennessee DUI course will qualify.
Who Takes This Course?
The Tennessee DUI class program generally operates to a specific set of users, including:
Individuals convicted of a DUI have lost their driving privileges and must successfully complete the class to have their licenses reinstated.
Individuals that have been ordered to participate in the program by the court.
The Tennessee Department of Mental Health & Substance Abuse Services website does offer you a way to search for a qualifying school near you and it does note that the state of Tennessee does not license any online DUI schools.
Class Curriculum and Requirements
State DUI classes operate with a time requirement. Every participant must submit to a minimum of 12 total hours of instruction to pass the class; anything less than the required 12 hours will not qualify.
The curriculum focuses on both a point of education and a source for intervention against future DUI charges, making use of educational tools that stress a level of self-awareness from every participant. Instead of submitting to an individual mental health professional, usually at an additional cost to the participant, the Tennessee DUI class makes use of reflection and evaluation to help educate and guide the participants away from future substance abuse challenges.
If one DUI represents a cry for help, the Tennessee DUI class may be the answer. For repeat DUI violations, the cost of repeat classes may provide a financial incentive to avoid future convictions.
If Charged with a DUI, Contact the Clarke Law Firm
Are you facing a driving under the influence (DUI) charge in Murfreesboro, Tennessee? Has a loved one been arrested for a drunk driving offense in a nearby area? If so, you will need to speak with a qualified Murfreesboro DUI defense lawyer as soon as possible. David Clarke has experience with these type of cases and brings care and compassion to your case. When arrested for DUI, your driving privileges and license will be in jeopardy and fast action will be needed to help prevent license suspension.