Grand theft charges in the state of Tennessee actually have a very low qualification threshold. While it’s understandable to assume grand theft would apply only to situations involving highly expensive items, the minimum to qualify as grand theft can be just over $500.

If a person stole a Mercedes valued at $60,000 or a junker car valued at only $600, both qualify as a grand theft felony charge.
Tennessee Theft Definitions
Theft charges get classified based on the value of the items in question. As we know while money has a specific value - $100 bill is $100, items and services have their own unique applicable values that vary depending on the item or service in question. Theft can be defines as theft of property and theft of services.
For example, stealing a vehicle would be classified by the value of the vehicle itself and be a theft of property. However, running up a large restaurant bill and then leaving before the check arrives would be valued on the food (theft of property-the meal) and services provided by the restaurant, including preparing and serving the meal (theft of services).
Grand Theft is a felony offense.
Felony Penalties
The state of Tennessee punishes felony theft on a sliding scale.
Class A misdemeanor
Property or services have been valued at a maximum of $500 and can be punished with jail time for up to 11 months. So if you have stolen services or property $500 or less, you can be charged with a misdemeanor.
Anything above $500 in value crosses into felony charge territory, and the $500 maximum serves as the line you do not cross. If that meal you skipped out on was valued at $501.00 you are now in felony territory.
Class A felony
If the value of the property or services stolen is $250,000 or more, then the accused individual could be facing jail time ranging from 15 to 60 years in prison and up to $50,000 in fines.
Class B felony
If the property or services have been valued between $60,000 and up to $250,000, the accused individual could be facing jail time ranging from 8 to 30 years and a fine of up to $25,000.
Class C felony
Property or services have been between $10,000 to up to $60,000, resulting in possible punishments that can include 3 to 15 years in jail and $10,000 in fines.
Class D felony
Products and services have been valued between $1,000 and up to $10,000, Two to 12 years in jail, and a fine not to exceed $5,000.
Class E felony
Lastly is this last felony ranking which occurs when the stolen property/services have been valued from anywhere between $501 to up to $1,000. This can lead to one to six years in jail and a maximum fine of $3,000.
Other Contributing Factors
In addition to the overall estimated value of the item or items in question, other factors can play a role in determining the grading of the criminal charges.
Depending on the value of the items in question, a first-time violator may get some leniency from the judge and prosecutors depending on their age and legal defenses. It’s possible a misdemeanor charge can be addressed through a pre-trial diversion program, which generally tends to involve community service, court evaluation, and a relatively minor fee.
On the other hand, an individual with multiple violations on their criminal record may face harsher penalties due to repeated violations. Further if the value of property or services is large, then even a first time offender may face more severe punishment.
Contact Murfreesboro Criminal Defense Lawyer
David Clarke is an experienced trial lawyer who uses his talent and skills to defend the accused. If you or a loved one has been charged with a crime, it is usually one of the toughest things to go through. The concern and fear about what may happen if somehow you are convicted is beyond stressful. Attorney Clarke understands this and will work with you to develop a defensive strategy for your situation to ensure the best possible outcome for your specific case.
To find out more about defense against grand theft charges in the state of Tennessee, contact the Clarke Law Firm today at (615) 796-6299 or online.